FDC - Faribault Dairy Company
FDC stands for Faribault Dairy Company
Here you will find, what does FDC stand for in Food under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Faribault Dairy Company? Faribault Dairy Company can be abbreviated as FDC What does FDC stand for? FDC stands for Faribault Dairy Company. What does Faribault Dairy Company mean?The United States based company is located in Faribault, Minnesota engaged in food production industry.
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Alternative definitions of FDC
- Fleur De Coin (French, Netherlands coin grade, equivalent of Uncirculated or Mint State)
- Floppy Disk Controller
- Fire Department Connection
- First Day Cover
- First Day Cover
- Floppy Disk Controller
- Follicular Dendritic Cell
- Fire Direction Center
View 144 other definitions of FDC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FC The Flooring Co
- FMA Foundation Management Associates
- FASC Federation All Star Cheerleading
- FCB Fat Cat Bar
- FMVC Future Matters Venture Capital
- FMM Family Mini Market
- FVH Foothills Veterinary Hospital
- FTCEM Fullness of Truth Catholic Evangelization Ministries
- FHHSL Family Home Health Services LLC
- FLC Fife Law Centre
- FSR Five Star Rehabilitation
- FD4X4C FD 4X4 Centre
- FDL Firmans Direct Ltd
- FIC The Financial Independence Club
- FEGI Far East Gemological Institute
- FRDSL First Reach Distribution Services Ltd
- FFPL Flourish Financial Planning LLP
- FFL Forecourt Fuels Limited
- FBR Fox Bars and Restaurants
- FDV Ferme Des Voltigeurs